AWARNESS | social media | 3 D

Scaling to 1,200 Monthly Sales with Age-Old Wisdom and New Age Marketing

Fearless Tea, rooted in a 150-year legacy of premium tea cultivation, was at a crossroads. With a history as rich as its brews, the brand found itself struggling to translate its offline eminence to the online world, with a particularly low price point of Rs. 250 average and Rs. 400 AOV presenting a steep hurdle.


instagram Journey Revamp

kai Our ad testing phase, spanning 40 days, unearthed a goldmine – the untapped audience of over-40-year-olds on Facebook, a demographic with a cultural penchant for tea. We seized this insight to tailor our ads, veering away from product displays to captivating imagery that embodied the essence of tea​​.


Our ad testing phase, spanning 40 days, unearthed a goldmine – the untapped audience of over-40-year-olds on Facebook, a  displays to captivating imagery that embodied the essence of tea​​.